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YouTube For Real Estate Agents: The Basics

YouTube can bring in thousands of leads for your real-estate business. However, it’s difficult to know where to begin if you are thinking about starting your own channel. Dr. Moshe Weisblum, a leader in YouTube real-estate consulting, suggests these basic steps in starting a successful YouTube channel.

Getting Started

Find a few channels that inspire and motivate you. Pay attention to what other channels look like, the types of videos they upload, and how frequently they upload.

Next, Moshe Weisblum suggests creating a publishing plan. Decide when and where you will upload your videos. Also, determine how many videos you will post every week.

YouTube prefers regular posting, so consistency is very important. A good goal is to upload one to two videos per week. Upload on the same day each day so your viewers will be able to predict when you’ll upload your videos.

Don’t stress about the quality of your real estate video equipment. You can create a YouTube channel for real estate agents by filming with your iPhone or Android smartphone. Make sure you have a clear view of your face and that there is no background noise, says Moshe Weisblum.

Set up your Channel

  • Name
  • “About Us Page”
  • Header Image
  • Profile Image

Description and Channel Trailer

Your description and trailer video is displayed when people visit your channel page for the first time. Your description should briefly explain who you are and what content is available on your channel. It should also give reasons people should subscribe.

Introduce yourself and welcome viewers to your channel. Also, briefly describe your background and explain why you are qualified for creating the videos that you create. Next, tell your visitors about the benefits of subscribing to your channel and give them your posting schedule. Then ask them to subscribe and enable notifications. Your trailer should not exceed 60-120 seconds.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the first step in creating a YouTube channel for real estate agents. This will help your video rank higher in search engines. Focus on keywords that apply to your local market. 

To find keywords for your videos, use YouTube’s search bar. Type in your city name and you’ll get suggestions for similar keywords for your location.

Once you have a list of keywords phrases, enter them into the YouTube search bar to see if additional keywords appear.

How to Choose Topics

You don’t have to make videos about real estate. Make videos that answer questions about local restaurants, activities, and items of interest specific to your city. These videos will help you get in front of your target audience and encourage them to reach out to you if you are a real estate agent.

You can also look at other real-estate channels to get great ideas. You can sort their uploads by publication date to see which videos have received more views than the average.

Of course, there’s a lot more to learn, but these simple steps will get you a long way to being a YouTube real estate consulting pro like Moshe Weisblum.

3 Tips For Setting Up A Home Office In Your Bedroom

If you’re looking for the most convenient commute ever, working straight from your bedroom is a great way to stay close to work. However, you’ll want to do your best to have some distinct areas within your bedroom if you want this plan to work for you. So to help you in figuring all of this out, here are three tips for setting up a home office in your bedroom

Set Up A Space That Works Best For You

When you hear the term “home office”, you might have a traditional image of a separate room that has a desk, chair, computer, and bookshelf in it. And while this definitely can constitute a home office, this is by no means the only way you can set up your home office.

What you really want to focus on when setting up your home office, especially if it’s going to be in your bedroom, is creating a space that’s going to work for you. For some, this might mean bringing in a more comfortable lounge chair and working from a laptop most days. For others, having a simple table might do the trick. And still for others, setting up a more formal workspace could be ideal. As long as you’re able to get the work done that you have set before you, however you choose to set up your workspace in your bedroom is going to be successful for you.  

Consider Elevating Your Bed

If your bedroom is the only quiet space that you have but the actual room is lacking in square footage, you might need to get creative about how you’re using the space you have. 

One thing you might want to consider is elevating your bed higher off the ground. By switching to a loft bed, you could have your workspace right beneath you. This way, you’ll get some extra room to work without having to find additional space anywhere. 

Try To Create Some Separation

In the eyes of most people, working right where you sleep isn’t ideal for having boundaries with work and setting yourself up for a solid work-life balance. But if you’re able to create some separation in one way or another, you can have your bedroom not always feel like you’re at the office. 

To do this, you may want to try to put all of your work items in a desk or storage container that you can close up at the end of the day. This way, when you’re not on the clock anymore, you don’t have to see anything related to work while in your bedroom trying to relax and unwind. 

If you’re needing to use your bedroom as your home office, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you maximize your space for both of these purposes. 

Acoustic Design & Sound Testing Party Walls & Floors

A picture containing grass, sky, person, outdoor

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To improve the chance of a successful sound test and reduce the chance of noise flanking you will need to ensure that you allow for the following five acoustic design considerations, when upgrading an existing floors and walls in flats they are: 

  1. Mass
  2. Isolation
  3. Absorption
  4. Resilience
  5. Stiffness

Reasons for party walls failing sound testing in Flats

The are many reasons for party walls failing the pre-completion sound testing for Part of Building Regulations, the main reasons are

  1. Shared Structural Building Components – Floorboards, Floor Joists, Continuous Drywall Partitions, Continuous Concrete Floors, and Cement Block Walls.
  2. Through Structural Steel – Structural steel beams are often a major cause of noise transmission as plasterboard is often fixed directly to the steel without sound breaks.
  3. Plumbing Chases – Junctures between the Walls & Floor Slab Above or at the Exterior Wall Juncture (this should be filed with mortar etc. to add mass to these weakened areas.
  4. Through Windows – if they have single glazing, with no double glazing or secondary glazing as a minimum.
  5. Fixtures & Outlets – Light Switches, Telephone Outlets, and Recessed Lighting Fixtures (if penetrations have been cut back to back with the opposite dwelling under test)
  6. Structural Joints – Perimeter Joints at Wall & Floor, Through Wall & Ceiling Junctures (these should be filled with acoustic mastic.
  7. Around the End of the Partition Through the Adjacent Wall (acoustic mastic should be used to seal this junction)

Acoustic wall upgrade for Existing Flats

One way to quick and simple way improve the acoustic performance of a dividing wall partition, is to install a 70mm met-sec partition in front of the existing wall – it is usually best to install this in the largest room. Leave approx. 25mm gap between the back of the met-sec and the wall. Then install 50mm acoustic wool (min 45kg/m3) to the inside of the met-sec and add two layers of 12.5mm soundboard to the outside of the met-sec frame. Ensure all boards are fully lapped and the perimeter joints are filled with acoustic mastic. 

What Sound Tests do I Need on My Party Walls.

Essentially, for sound testing party walls, you only need to carry out one type of sound test,  which is airborne sound testing. For floor partitions you are required to carry out two types of sound insulation tests which are airborne and impact sound insulation tests. The airborne sound insulation test is carried out by means of a loudspeaker emitting a steady source of noise on one side of the partition (wall or floor) to be measured

How Should I Prepare my Dwelling to Pass the Party Wall Sound Testing?

It is easy to prepare your new project for the sound insulation testing to your party walls, basically you should action the for the following checklist: 

  1. The whole building envelope and internal walls and floors should be fully completed prior to the undertaking sound testing.  
  2. All external and internal doors and walls should be installed.
  3. All electrical fittings must be completely in-place, and fully functional. Poor electrical installation can lead to excess noise.
  4. 240 volt power should be in-place and available in every room. Our testing equipment can be damaged  by the voltage fluctuations of on-site power generators, so it’s essential to have 240V mains supply on-site on the day of the test
  5. No carpets or laminated flooring should be fitted on the 1st floor levels or above. These materials can affect the movement of noise, and as a result could impact on whether a building passes the sound check test.
  6. The skirting boards should not touch the floating floor, a flanking strip should be installed to prevent the noise flanking. 
  7. All gaps in the walls and floors should be sealed. Again, noise can leak out through any gaps, affecting the movement of sound and impacting on the space’s performance.
  8. Access to all of the rooms on all levels should be granted to our technicians, with all noise sources (radios, alarms, building work) ceasing for the duration of the test.
  9. The above points are all essential if we are to achieve accurate sound test readings.  If any of them are ignored, there is a risk of you either failing your test or – at worst – not being able to complete it, at which point you may still be charged 75% of the test fee.

We can advise on all types of acoustic design to help you pass your sound testing to walls in flats, whether it’s accomplished during initial construction or during a refurbishment/renovation project. We also undertake UKAS accredited sound testing providing a ‘one stop’ solution for all your acoustic requirements. 

If you would like more information in regards to sound testing please follow our blog at: Alternately, if you would like more information on how to prepare for your sound testing please download our sound test checklist.

Features of a good locksmith

Human beings value their privacy and security and it is hard to imagine a world without locksmiths where people would constantly feel insecure in their own houses due to the lack of privacy and safety. We all have experienced instances where we were locked out of our own houses, forgotten the password of the electronic security system of our modern house, had a broken key or a damaged lock. These instances are quite common in life and a skilled, professional locksmith is just the person you need when you are facing such issues. We should be grateful for the services provided by locksmiths as without them we wouldn’t be able to feel safe and secure in our own property.

It is important to note that not all locksmiths can provide quality services.  There are also individuals out there who scam people by charging high fees and rendering poor services. Some people run their business by pretending to be professional locksmiths. If you want quality service then you should hire professional locksmiths who are not only well trained but also carry a license such as Best locksmith services in Orlando from LIMU Express locksmith.

Some of the characteristics/features of a good locksmith are listed below:

Expertise – A good locksmith should have all the necessary skills, experience, training, and knowledge regarding his profession. He should be able to work his way around different security systems and locks. He should keep himself up to date with all the latest technologies in the market. He should possess all the proper tools.

Professional – A good locksmith should know how to provide good customer service by being punctual and professional with his customers. Their level of professionalism is enough for us to tell whether we can trust them to render quality services in the future. They gain our confidence when they portray the highest level of professionalism.

License – When hiring a locksmith, you should look for a valid license. A license is a sign that they have the authority or permission to do something. A fraud license can also be created but you should thoroughly check the license and their agency’s website before giving them the final nod.

Experience – A good locksmith should have years of experience in that field. An experienced locksmith will render better services than an amateur locksmith.

Availability – Hire a locksmith who would be available whenever you need him because emergencies can strike at any time.

Beginning the Foreclosure Process Among Homeowners

Many people come to us looking for help with very little understanding of the foreclosure process. It is a traumatizing experience to potentially lose the roof over your head so the primary goal of the company is to help build solutions to prevent this unfortunate outcome.

What is a Default that Starts the Foreclosure Process?

The most common default under a mortgage is the non-payment of regular mortgage payments. Legally, the foreclosure process may start after only one missed payment. Other types of default include allowing damage to the property, failing to make tax payments, failing to ensure the property, failing to make condo fee payments, etc.

Typical Steps in the Foreclosure Process

         Below is the step in the foreclosure process.

         • Initial contact

         • Demand letter

How foreclosures work in Alberta

The foreclosure process Alberta is governed by the Law of Property Act. Usually, once 2 to 3 months of payments have been missed the lending bank will submit a file to the foreclosure lawyer of their choosing. The first thing that the lawyer will do is issue a Demand Letter to the borrower (you). This letter acts as a notification that you are in default of the terms of their mortgage. The Demand Letter usually gives 10 days to correct the problem. If the borrower is able to pay the outstanding arrears in full, plus a nominal legal cost, the foreclosure action is avoided. If payment is not made by the date specified, the lawyer is open to file a Statement of Claim with the Court.

 Look at possible mortgage foreclosure options

         •    Taking No Action

         •    Quitting the Claim

         •    Filing for Demand of Notice

         •    Filing a Statement of Defense

         •    Negotiating a Consent Order for Foreclosure

 How to Stop Foreclosure

 Foreclosure can be truly stressful and anxiety-rider times in a person’s life.

      •       Negotiate With Your Lender

      •       Reinstate Your Loan

      •       Forbearance Plan

      •       Sell Your Property

Different rules apply to each mortgage. Usually, a bank is limited to collecting the money that is owed to them by forcing the sale of the property. That allows a bank to force the sale of the property and also sue the property owner for any remaining money that is owed to the bank. The lawyer would be able to help a property owner through the process and explain all of the consequences of theforeclosure based on the type of mortgage.